Texas Title’s Co-Founders, Bob Karlseng and Claude Rich, surprised their staff at their annual holiday party with an inaugural award ceremony. Bob and Claude understand that recognizing their staff’s hard work is an important part of our growing company culture. The award winners are inducted into a Circle of Excellence. This year’s winners are unique in that they set a standard of excellence for winners in the years to come. Congratulations to Alana Sidener, our Southlake team, Heera Rathan, and Desiree Dyer!
Impact Award
This award is designed to recognize the contributions that this individual makes in not only their specific job responsibilities but as a leader of Texas Title. Factors that are considered are work ethic, attitude, general impact on others, someone who personifies our core values and a demonstration of excellence in everything they do.
This year we’re proud to give this award to Alana Sidener, Vice President of Operations. Alana has worked alongside Bob and Claude for 17 years, long before Texas Title was formed. She is an integral part of the growth and success of the company, and we appreciate everything she does for the team.
Spotlight Award
This award goes to the Texas Title office that sets the bar for excellence. From production to office cohesiveness, this office sets an example for other offices to emulate. The award is meant to acknowledge the year-long hard work of everyone in the selected office.
When you walk into the Southlake office, you immediately feel the bond between their team. They work hard together to make each closing experience a great one for their clients. We’re proud to award their office with the first ever Spotlight Award!
Rising Star Award
This person has demonstrated both personal and professional growth for the applicable year. They have demonstrated a willingness to learn, a great overall attitude, and pleasant disposition. There is something intangible about this person that sets them apart from their peers for the year.
Heera Rathan is so deserving of the Rising Star award. She works as the receptionist at our Frisco office and is a delight to every client who walks through the door. Heera always finds ways to go above and beyond at her job, and we’re so thankful to have her on the team!
Excellence Award
This award looks at all employees of Texas Title and finds the stand-out staff member for the year. Factors that go into determining the recipient of this award are work ethic, character, attitude, willingness to help others, and commitment to the team. This award is special in that it is based on the nominations of peers.
This year’s Excellence Award winner is just that, excellent! Desiree Dyer, a senior Escrow Officer in our Dallas/HQ office, has been a huge asset to the growth of Texas Title over the years and we don’t know where we’d be without her!