Texas Title has assisted lenders with foreclosures and REO transactions for many years. Our staff is experienced and professional going beyond the mere closing of the transaction. We work closely with asset managers to assist with curing any pre-closing issues that may arise, such as tax delinquencies, utility liens, or similar matters. Our goal is to timely close your transaction and to remove the property from the bank’s books.
We also provide REO/Foreclosure banks with property reports for their “packaged” transactions. At competitive pricing, this allows the bank to make a determination of the quality of the asset they are selling, whether such asset needs to be re-pooled or discarded in its entirety. This service, available to private equity firms or hedge funds has been an invaluable tool for grading a potential property or group of properties.
REO/Foreclosure Services Include:
19111 Dallas Pkwy, Suite 120
Dallas, Texas 75287
Phone: 972.733.3800
Fax: 972.733.3806